Pippa - Suaralayn Pollyanna Principle
Owner: R. van Kampen (The Netherlands)
Born: 11-01-2015
Sire: FC Ntomba Mosika RN, SC (imp Congo)
Dam: Ch. Aoide Princess of Burudika
Hips: HD A = Excellent
Elbows: ED free
Eyes: Minor PPM iris-iris, rest clear (ECVO '15)
Pippa is the second daughter of Aoide and the lastborn of the "Shameless" litter. Her pedigree name "Pollyanna Principle" refers to Debbie Gallagher, the second daughter of Frank and Monica Gallagher. She is the only one in the family that stays positive about her father during the first few seasons of the TV series. The 'pollyanna principle' is the tendency for people to remember pleasant items more accurately than unpleasant ones.
Pippa is always happy and she loves everything and everyone. Her hobbies are eating, cuddling and spending time in the forest doing her own thing. We regularly meet up with Pippa and her owners and she and her sister Maeva are best friends.
Born: 11-01-2015
Sire: FC Ntomba Mosika RN, SC (imp Congo)
Dam: Ch. Aoide Princess of Burudika
Hips: HD A = Excellent
Elbows: ED free
Eyes: Minor PPM iris-iris, rest clear (ECVO '15)
Pippa is the second daughter of Aoide and the lastborn of the "Shameless" litter. Her pedigree name "Pollyanna Principle" refers to Debbie Gallagher, the second daughter of Frank and Monica Gallagher. She is the only one in the family that stays positive about her father during the first few seasons of the TV series. The 'pollyanna principle' is the tendency for people to remember pleasant items more accurately than unpleasant ones.
Pippa is always happy and she loves everything and everyone. Her hobbies are eating, cuddling and spending time in the forest doing her own thing. We regularly meet up with Pippa and her owners and she and her sister Maeva are best friends.