Finlay - Suaralayn Royal First Flush
BISS puppy, Dutch youth champion, Dutch champion, NW'22, GW'22

Breeder: Janneke de Graaf, Suaralayn
DOB: 31-12-2018
Sire: Kokojambo's Fani Fulani
Dam: Ch. Aoide Princess of Burudika
Hips: HD A
Elbows: ED free
Knees: PL 0/0
Eyes: All clear (ECVO '20)
Fanconi: Both parents clear
PRA-BJ1: Clear (Embark)
A-locus: Ay/Ay (Embark)
Genetic COI: 12% (Embark)
DOB: 31-12-2018
Sire: Kokojambo's Fani Fulani
Dam: Ch. Aoide Princess of Burudika
Hips: HD A
Elbows: ED free
Knees: PL 0/0
Eyes: All clear (ECVO '20)
Fanconi: Both parents clear
PRA-BJ1: Clear (Embark)
A-locus: Ay/Ay (Embark)
Genetic COI: 12% (Embark)
Finlay is a son of Aoide from her second litter. We weren't planning to keep a puppy from this litter, but life doesn't always go as planned and Finlay quickly stole a piece of our hearts. He's a big boy in appearance, completely different than his mother, but he has the same sweet, patient and sometimes even careful character as Aoide. He loves his pack, but Chewie, Femm and his brothers and sisters, which we frequently meet, are also his best friends.
Finlay goes to agility class at the moment and really enjoys this game. He likes to make contact and he'll do almost everything for a treat. He also loves to run through the course at high speed. The same love for running is clearly visible when he's at the race track. In his first year racing, Finlay has already broken two track records! Of course Finlay has also been to some shows, he even won BIS baby and BISS puppy once and had no trouble finishing his junior championship title.
We are certain we are going to have lots of fun with this young boy. His adventures and successes will be posted at our news page.
Finlay goes to agility class at the moment and really enjoys this game. He likes to make contact and he'll do almost everything for a treat. He also loves to run through the course at high speed. The same love for running is clearly visible when he's at the race track. In his first year racing, Finlay has already broken two track records! Of course Finlay has also been to some shows, he even won BIS baby and BISS puppy once and had no trouble finishing his junior championship title.
We are certain we are going to have lots of fun with this young boy. His adventures and successes will be posted at our news page.